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Test Kinder Post

Test Kinder post content
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Busy Town Jobs

Dear Parents, The Kindergarten students have chosen their jobs for Busy Town, which will be held on June 20th.  We have talked about what people doing each job would wear and say and do, but please explore thi
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Field Trip on Thursday

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Thank you for sending in your child’s permission slip (and $5.50) for our Field Trip this Thursday.  We are all very excited about going to the concert and of course riding on
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Kindergarten Update

Dear Kindergarten Families, Just a reminder that Permission Slip for the concert next Thursday (Dec 12) must be returned by tomorrow.  Please include $5.50 to cover the cost of the bus.  Once we have received
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Let the Games Begin

Dear Kindergarten Families, Today we started our “Game Exchange”.  Half of the Kindergarten students will each take one board game home on Wednesdays to be returned on Mondays.  We are sending hom
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Kindergarten News

Dear Kindergarten Families, Just a few reminders……… – Tomorrow we go to the Pumpkin Patch!  Please dress your child according to the weather.  No uniforms. I was at the Pumpkin Patch t