Dear Kindergarten Families,

Today we started our “Game Exchange”.  Half of the Kindergarten students will each take one board game home on Wednesdays to be returned on Mondays.  We are sending home 11 different games this week.  If your child did not bring home a game tonight they will bring one home next Wednesday.

Many children these days play games on ipads, ipods, computers, iphones etc.  Playing Board games is sadly becoming a thing of the past.  Playing a game with someone else has many advantages and promotes…..  family and friend bonding, learning to take turns, following instructions and rules,  learning it’s ok to win and lose,  math and reading skills, communication skills etc.

Take advantage of having the Board Game at home for almost a week.  Try to play the game more than a few times.  Teach family members and friends how to play it.  Most of all have fun!!!

If you have any questions please contact us at school.

Mrs. Whitlock and Mrs. Ison