Dear Parents, many thanks for working with your children to complete this report. Some worked hard on the week end in order to submit it early. Great.  Your child needs to hand in several things along with the final (good) copy. Please see the following order as I explained to the class last week and again today.  From front to back: Final copy, draft(s), Paragraph Writing Rubric (pink sheet), and their self-evaluation sheet, RSS 9 (pink sheet).On this last sheet, they need to evaluate their work and choose a goal for next time. Hope this helps!

We have now finished learning about the Inuit and will be learning about the other aboriginal groups of Canada, focussing on those of B.C. We will be reading stories found in the different reading anthologies as well as reading facts found in our Social Studies texts. Please share any knowledge and experiences you may have to enhance your child’s learning.

Thanks very much,
