Dear Parents, just a reminder that the Inuit report is due on Friday, Jan. 20. Please refer to my previous post to know what to submit.

Next Tuesday, we will have a quiz on the first 3 chapters of Light. The children seem to have a strong understanding of the concepts covered: What is light? What are some sources of light? What’s the difference between natural and artificial light sources? As in the past, I am certain the children will do well. The upcoming concepts are about the properties of light: ex. light travels in a straight line, some materials are transparent, translucent, or opaque, light can be reflected, bent, and absorbed. Please refer to the sheet I sent home outlining some of the light concepts we will be covering in Science and in Language Arts.

Finally, as I am one of the Poetry coaches, I will be meeting with my students Friday mornings from 8:15 to 8:45 so our classroom will not be open for “Family Fridays”. 

Have a great week end.


Have a great week end.