Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Thank you to all those who have volunteered to drive to the Pumpkin Patch on Thursday. We have 14 drivers so if any of you want to change your mind and not drive please let me know.  All of you are welcome to come.

There are a few children who have not returned their permission slips and a few who have not brought in their two dollars.  If I do not get the permission slips in by Wednesday those children will not be allowed to come on the field trip.

Please note that the children do not wear their uniforms on Thursday.  Please dress them for the weather.  We are hoping for sun!  It would also be a good idea to send your child in boots as the field may be very muddy.

We will leave the school at 1:00 p.m.  Please wait in the front foyer.   All children must use a seatbelt and be in a booster seat.  We have a few extra booster seats in the school.  If you are not driving it would be a good idea to send a booster seat with your child on Thursday morning.  Please label your seat with your child’s name.

The boys and girls are very excited about our field trip.  No one ever gets tired of going to a pumpkin patch to choose just the right pumpkin….I know that I never do!

If you have any questions please see me Wednesday or Thursday morning.

Lynn Whitlock