Dear Parents,

We are so excited about our field trip to Grouse Mountain!!

We have just a few reminders.

1. We are expecting milder temperatures and wet conditions. We suggest dressing in layers and waterproof exterior clothing. Please keep in mind that the children have to be able to move well in their clothing when they are snowshoeing.

2. Please pack disposable lunches. This applies to both parent volunteers and students. We also request that the children pack a recess snack in their pocket so that they can easily access their snack.

3. Attendance will be taken at 7:45 am in the classrooms. The bus leaves promptly at 8:00 am.

4. Please let us know if your child experiences car sickness.

5. We will be returning at approximately 4:00 pm. Please pickt hem up in school foyer.

There will be four vans driving up as well as the bus. We thank the parents who so generously and promptly replied to our request.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Vilma Macdonald
Anne Tien
Darlene Williams