Monday the grade 5 and 6 Green Team members made a lovely chili!  Jan 28th the Grade 4 and 7 members will get a chance to make one too.

Each time we make it the recipe varies as we use what we grew in the garden last year.  Today we used our own black beans, peas, garlic and zucchini.  Just in case your child came home raving about the chili here is the recipe.

1.  Saute 1 tbsp oil, 2 onions chopped, 4 large cloves garlic minced

2.  Add 2 chopped peppers, 2 chopped carrots.  Cook for a few minutes.

3.  Add 3 cans of diced tomatoes, 1 large can kidney beans, 1 cup cooked black beans from the garden, 1 cup frozen peas, 2 cups grated zucchini

4. Season with 1 tsp chili flakes, 1 1/2 tsp cumin, 1 tsp coriander, 1/2tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp marjoram, 1/4 tsp cinnamon.

We started chopping at 12, and dished out at 12:30.  So the whole thing didn’t have long to simmer, but it was yummy especially topped with grated cheddar cheese.