Dear Kindergarten Families,

We have some important dates and activities coming up…………….

1.  Tomorrow your Kindergarten child will be bringing home two “100 Day” mini projects. One activity is a number that they will decorate at home and the other is a 11 x 14 sheet that has been divided into 10 boxes.  The directions are on the back of the paper.  Please come in to see us if you have any questions.  100 Day is on Friday, February 8th!!  Hard to believe that we have almost been in school for 100 days!!  This is traditionally a day to celebrate!  We will be doing lots of fun activities in Kindergarten!

2.   On Wednesday,  February 6th our Kindergarten Penpals from Immaculate Conception School in Vancouver will be coming to spend the morning with us.  Both classes are very excited about meeting each other.  Our Kindergarten class is planning some great activities to do with our Penpals!  I will be taking lots of pictures too!

3.    Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it.  In our class we will be doing some Valentine activities on February 12th (February 13th is Ash Wednesday and we are not at school on the 14th and 15th).   The children will be making Valentine pockets so their classmates can “mail” them Valentines.  If your child will be giving out Valentines please have your child print “my friend” on the card rather than their classmates name.  This makes distribution much easier when you have 25 children giving cards.  I know some children give Valentines that contain candy or food.  Please remember that we have various allergies in our class.   I think a good old fashioned home made card is really appreciated by all the children!

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come in to see us or send a note in your child’s school folder.

Have a good evening!

Lynn Whitlock