Dear Parents,

The Kindergarten class is concerned about children around the world who don’t have access to clean water.  We’ve found a way we can help!  We’ve decided to join the Free the Children campaign called We are Love.  For this campaign we will be selling buttons at all masses this coming Sunday, Feb. 9 and 10 for $2 each.  I’m asking you to please RSVP by email to to let me know if you will be able to attend mass at St. Joseph the Worker this weekend or not (I know some of you will be taking advantage of Family Day and might be out of town) If you will be at one of our masses this weekend, please let me know which time you will attend.  I’m hoping to have 3-4 Kindergarten students at each mass, and one brave child who is willing to come up on the altar at the end of mass to help make the announcement.  The parish Youth in Action group will also be at all masses to help us with the selling and announcements.

If you’d like more information about this campaign or Free the Children you can visit their website at, look under get involved, campaigns, We are Love.

Thank you for helping your children make a difference in this world!

Diane Ison