Dear Gr. 5 Students and Parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our School Mass at 9:15, distribution of report cards and that dismissal is at noon.

I also wanted to mention that the Compound Machines presented this week were fantastic! A lot of thought and creativity went into these machines and we enjoyed watching the various presentations. I am planning to keep the compound machines in the classroom until student-led conferences in April so that all parents can view the machines and then they can be brought home.

A big thank you to Mrs. Lupynis and Mrs. Koren ( Natalia’s mother and grandmother ) who came in this afternoon to share their expertise in Pisanka Easter Egg making with the class. The students each made their own and they have brought home the egg with a pamphlet explaining the next steps. After Spring Break, it would be great if the students could bring them back and we could view the finished product.

Finally, have a wonderful Spring Break!

Mrs. Ebert