Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Your child brought home their I’m A Gift From God workbook.  Please help them complete Page 2.  They need to return the book to school tomorrow as we will be discussing how we belong to the family of God and then completing Page 3.

Please keep the Parent lesson package at home as we will be sending home Blogs to let you know what concepts to go over with your child.

Please do Concept B with your child before next Wednesday.  Look for the workbook to come home next week.

On another note we need drivers for our field trip next week to Immaculate Conception school.  So far we only have enough drivers to take 15 children.  If you volunteered to drive to Immaculate Conception would you be able to drive us back to St. Joseph?  Please let me know in the morning.  If we do not get enough drivers we will unfortunately have to cancel our field trip.

Enjoy your evening!

Mrs. Whitlock