Dear Parents, we thought we’d give you a head’s up regarding the upcoming math quiz. We will begin the math quiz on Unit Two: Whole Numbers on Monday, October 27 and continue on Tuesday, October 28. Some of the basic concepts are:

* recognizing and writing whole numbers in standard(123),expanded(100+20+3) , and word(one hundred twenty-three) form

* ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest

* sorting numbers according to different attributes using a Venn

Diagram (ex. odd, have a zero, digits add to 20, greater than 200)

* adding and subtracting 3-digit and 4-digit numbers

* solving word problems involving addition and subtraction

We will spend most of this week completing the last assignments which is a review of all the concepts. You may wish to provide some extra practice at home, especially with addition and subtraction word problems. Some word problems are very straightforward. Others involve addition AND subtraction. It is these word problems that are challenging for some of the children. Have a look at their notebooks and textbooks to see how they are doing and how you can support them.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


Marie and Darlene