Grade 4 Treasure Map :Due November 3rd


Dear Parents, last Tuesday and Wednesday your child began working on a treasure map which incorporates what we have been learning about maps in Social Studies. I showed them a number of samples from past years and you are welcome to view them if you wish. Just ask Mrs. Williams on Friday when you come for Family Friday. Ask your child to see the criteria sheet which should have been brought home last Wednesday along with the map he/she started. One of the criteria is writing clues to finding the treasure. You may guide your child when writing 5 to 6 clues to finding the treasure. I explained this to them but some guidance from you will ensure the criteria is closely followed.

  • clues must be numbered from 1 to 5 (0r 6)
  • clues must indicate where to begin the search Ex. start at the dock on A1
  • clues must include grid codes which your child has already marked on the map  Ex. A1, B6
  • directional terms must be used in the clues  Ex. walk north from the tree at B2 to the pond at B5.

Your child may use a computer to write both the clues and the legend or they may be hand written. In this case, please remind your child to be neat. The symbols used on the map must match the symbols in the legend so remind your child to use the exact same symbol shape and colour. Only 5-6 symbols are required. They are not to use felt markers but pencil and pencil crayons instead. The legend should be presented on the back of the map or on a separate sheet of paper. The clues should also be on a separate sheet. As you will notice on the criteria sheet, correct spelling and grammar will be evaluated. The criteria sheet must be filled in and attached with the map. This map is due on November 3rd.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks very much,

Marie Nudo