Dear Parents,

Administrators from Vancouver College and from St. Patrick’s Regional Secondary have recently delivered presentations about their schools to the Grade 7 students. In both cases, the administrators encouraged the students to attend a variety of high school open houses over the next few months. Grade 6 students might also be interested in attending some of the open houses this year.

This is a reminder that the Vancouver College Open House is tomorrow (Tuesday, January 13th), from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Students are also encouraged to attend the St. Patrick’s Open House, which will be this coming Sunday, January 18th, from 1pm to 3pm.

For the information of Grade 6 parents, the Open House for Little Flower Academy is held in October of every year.

I am compiling a list of open houses for the Richmond public schools, and will post the dates and times as soon as this list is complete.

I wish you all the best as you select the right high school for your child.


Jamie Withers