Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! We are in full swing in Grade 3 with new topics and field trips.

Thank you to all the parents that have volunteered to drive to the Food Bank  this Friday. I will need a few parents, who are driving for the field trip, to collect the food bank items from the office area on Friday morning. We can deliver them to the Food Bank for the office.

The Gr. 3 class will be preparing and sharing the Spirit Day assembly about the Richmond Extreme Weather Shelter ( at St. Alban’s Church) on Jan. 23rd. I apologize for booking the Extreme Weather Shelter field trip back to back. I hope to take some photographs so that we can use them for the upcoming assembly.

The shelter is presently closed due to milder weather. The director of the shelter will give the children a short tour so that they can better understand how it works and the importance of the shelter.

If you have any question or concerns, please phone, email me or drop in before or after school. Thank you very much for your support.

Vilma Macdonald