The Grade Seven students are preparing for a Math test next Wednesday, January 28th. The test will focus on metric conversions, perimeter of polygons, circumference of circles, and area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and circles. The students have completed several review activities in class, and will continue to practice at school on Monday and Tuesday.

The students are now in the midst of choosing their Confirmation saints. They spent several class periods researching a saint or saints whom they admire, and have started drafting their project on their Confirmation saint. We discussed the requirements of the project in class earlier this week, and the students each have a copy of the written instructions for the project. The assignment is due Friday, February 6th.

The students have also started writing their persuasive speeches. These speeches are being written at school, and will not be sent home for now. Once the students have completed the writing process, they will be asked to take these home to prepare to deliver them orally in front of the class. Students are certainly encouraged to make changes to their speeches when they are practicing them at home. Speeches will be delivered in class beginning on February 18th.

Students who have questions about any of these items are encouraged to speak with me on Monday. Have a good weekend!